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您当前的位置:首页 » 欢迎光临南京儿童城充气玩具厂
南京儿童城充气玩具厂是专业生产各类气膜制品的企业,有着六年的专业经验.,在游乐休闲、儿童游艺设备、户外广告等行业内以产品质量高、销售服务好享有盛誉。 本厂充产品分为:大型充气玩具、气模广告、气膜,气模玩具三大系列。产品主要有:充气蹦床,充气弹跳、充气跳床、充气蹦极、充气攀岩、充气城堡、充气蹦蹦床、充气跳床、气垫蹦蹦床、充气船、手摇船、漂漂船、水上步行球、大型充气游泳池、水上滚筒、充气水上乐园、充气千斤顶、发酵厂二氧化碳回收大气囊等特种产品。 我们致力于为国内客户服务的同时,产品已远销欧洲、美国、韩国、中东等国家和地区. Established in 1996 in Nanjing, China, we have already been a more celebrated factory in China which producing the inflatable products professional. We manufacture and sell all sorts of inflatable products, such as Inflatable bouncer, Inflatable slide, Inflatable obstacle, Inflatable climbing, Inflatable air jack, etc. We firstly bring the latest membrane structure technology to production of the diversified stage and inflatable sculpture products.All Inflatable ...[详细介绍]
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